Important Dates:
Welcome to ISWC 2008! The International Symposium on Wearable Computers is an IEEE conference dedicated to cutting-edge research in wearable technologies. This year's conference will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanina from September 28th to October 1st, 2008. ISWC is the premiere interdisciplinary forum in wearable technologies, bringing together users, researchers, practitioners, designers, and manufacturers from the fields of wearable computing, smart clothing, ubiquitous computing, mobile computing, human-computer interaction, fashion design, textile and fiber science, among others. Join us this year in Pittsburgh as we investigate the latest developments in wearable computers! News: 8/27/2008: The early registration deadline has been extended until September 21. Register now to take advantage of reduced prices! 8/27/2008: New addition to the conference program: a tour of BodyMedia, Inc, world leader in the design and development of wearable body monitoring products and services! 8/26/2008: Don't forget that early registration ends Sunday, August 31! Register now to take advantage of reduced registration fees and hotel rates (hotel rate ends August 29). 8/25/2008: New to ISWC? Check out proceedings of previous conferences on the Previous ISWCs page! 7/25/2008: Check out the ISWC reception information, held this year at the Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center! It promises to be a very exciting evening, with a special exhibition of ongoing ETC projects and the Robot Hall of Fame! 7/23/2008: The advance program for ISWC 08 is now available. 7/15/2008: This just in -- ISWC 2008 is proud to announce the first Juried Design Exhibition! New and previously shown works are invited to participate. Submissions must be received by August 15, 2008. 7/15/2008: The 2008 Workshops and Tutorials have been posted. Workshop submissions are due August 15, 2008. 7/14/2008: ISWC 2008 registration is now open! See the registration page for details. Early registration ends August 31, 2008. Accepted authors must submit registration by August 3 . The fee schedule for ISWC 2008 is below:
ISWC attendees can also avail of a discounted room rate at the conference hotel. For booking information, please see the location page. The discounted room rate is available through August 29, 2008. 7/7/2008: The Demonstration/Exhibit submission deadline has been extended until July 31st, 2008. See the Demonstrations and Exhibits pages for more information. 6/17/2008: The submission deadline for workshops and tutorials has been extended until June 22nd, 2008. See the call for workshops and tutorials for author and submission instrictions. 6/15/2008: Information about panel proposals has been added to the Call for Papers. Panel proposals must be submitted by July 8, 2008. 6/15/2008: Information about the ISWC Doctoral Colloquium has been added to the Call for Papers. Submissions to the colloquium must be received by July 10, 2008. 4/22/2008: The submission deadline for papers and posters has been extended until 11:59pm PST on April 28th, 2008. See the call for papers for author and submission instrictions. 4/9/2008: Information about demonstration and exhibit submissions is now available. 3/14/2008: The ISWC 2008 Program Committee has been finalized, and the call for Workshops and Tutorials is now available. 3/12/2008: Local travel and venue information has been added. 2/5/2008: The Call for Papers is now available. |