ISWC 2020, the 24th annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, is the premier forum for research on wearable technology and topics related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC brings together an eclectic and interdisciplinary mix of visionary researchers, developers, designers, artists, manufacturers, and users to share information and advances in wearable technology. Contributions from a wide range of domains — including fashion design, computer science, textile engineering, electrical engineering, optics, human factors, sociology, anthropology, mechanical engineering, and medicine; among others — are encouraged.
ISWC was established as a conference in 1997, building on the success of a workshop the year before at Boeing. ISWC co-located with the International Conference on Pervasive Computing for several years. In 2013 with the merger of Pervasive and UbiComp, which had existed since 1999 and 2002 respectively, ISWC began co-locating with the merged conference.
ISWC invites submissions on all research related to technology that is worn on or interacts with the body, both the development and deployment thereof as well as the impacts and influences on individuals and cultures. ISWC looks for rigorous research contributions as well as highly creative ideas in a shorter format. While this call focuses specifically on research contributions, interested parties should be aware that other submission categories are also open for design innovation, system demonstrations, and interactive workshop formats (see for more information).
Submission Types and Procedures
ISWC accepts contributions of original, unpublished research in three lengths for blind, peer-reviewed manuscripts published and archived in the ACM Digital Library:
Full papers
Substantial, rigorous research contributions. From this year onwards, ISWC no longer considers full paper submissions but will instead invite papers published in IMWUT ( for presentation at ISWC which will be jointly held with UbiComp ( Papers that have a clear focus on wearables and have been published in IMWUT Issue 4 of 2019 or Issues 1-3 of 2020, will be invited to ISWC 2020.
Follow the IMWUT Author Guidelines ( for preparing your full papers. The online submissions system is available at:, selecting IMWUT under submissions.

Novel, rigorous research contributions of smaller scope than full papers. Short papers may reflect a more narrow research question, but should not reflect early-stage (e.g. pilot, under-developed) research, or preliminary technological development without a robust evaluation. Notes should not exceed 4 pages using the template detailed in the template information, not counting references.
Novel research contributions of a narrow scope. May include system or technology development with limited evaluation. Briefs should not exceed 2 pages using the template detailed in the template information, not counting references.
Submissions for Notes and Briefs can be made at (On the submissions tab, please select SIGCHI society and ISWC 2020 conference. Then the submission track of ISWC 2020 Briefs and Notes will appear.)
Deadlines and Reviewing Procedures for Full Papers
Full Papers that have a clear focus on wearables and have been published in IMWUT Issue 1-3 of 2020 and Issue 4 of 2019, will be invited to ISWC 2020. The upcoming deadlines for these IMWUT issues are: February 15, 2020, and May 15, 2020.
Important: When submitting a full paper that has wearable systems as its main contribution, authors should select wearable as keyword in the precisionconference submission system. This guarantees that IMWUT Area Editors with expertise in wearables will be assigned to your submission.
Deadlines and Reviewing Procedures for Notes and Briefs
Submissions are due on April 21, 2020 July 06, 2020 at 11:59pm HAST, and should be submitted through the submission site (see the link at the bottom of this page). Notes and Briefs submissions are double blind and we follow the anonymization policy of IMWUT. Notifications for all papers will be sent out after May 22, 2020 July 27, 2020. Positive paper decisions will fall into these categories:
Accepted papers: final edits (in alignment with reviewer comments) will be prepared by the authors and lightly reviewed by the program chairs. "Camera-ready" (final) versions are due on May 28, 2020 August 07, 2020.
Shepherded papers: papers that require minor edits and/or format changes (e.g. re-formatting as a shorter paper length) may be assigned a program committee member as a shepherd who will work with the authors to ensure that the required changes are adequately completed. Revision timelines will be agreed between shepherd and authors, but must be fully complete and approved by the shepherd by the "camera-ready" (final) paper deadline of May 28, 2020 August 07, 2020.
Papers are reviewed based on their scientific merit and contribution to the scientific progress in the domain of wearable technology. Submissions should demonstrate novelty (contribution above the state of the art); impact (contribution that furthers the state of the art in meaningful and significant ways, that can be translated and applied to new contexts); and rigor (contribution that is thoroughly supported with well-constructed evidence). For a more detailed view of the submission, review, and revision process, please see the ISWC Author Guide.
Questions? Contact the Program Chairs at
Summary of Key Dates
February 15, 2020 and May 15, 2020: Submission deadlines at IMWUT for Full Papers
April 21, 2020 July 06, 2020: Submission deadline for Notes and Briefs
May 22, 2020 July 27, 2020: Decision notifications for Notes and Briefs
May 28, 2020 August 07, 2020: Camera-ready deadline for Notes and Briefs
Publication Date
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the UbiComp / ISWC 2020 conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)