Message from the General Co-Chairs

Welcome to the ninth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC2005, which is the first such symposium held in Asia. It is a great honor for Japan, and especially for Osaka, to host ISWC2005. We are confident that ISWC2005 will be a showcase event for advanced researchers and engineers in wearable computing studies as well as for users of wearable applications.

Recently, Osaka hosted Robocup2005, a world-class event for researchers, engineers and enthusiasts in robotics. Now that it is hosting ISWC2005, Osaka City is showing itself to be a powerhouse in science and technology. From a technological viewpoint, it seems reasonable to fuse wearable computing and robotics, which could provide a new direction for our advanced information society. We hope you will enjoy the modern city of Osaka, which offers a wealth of both traditional Japanese culture and cutting-edge technology.

ISWC2005 in Japan offers several sessions of technical presentations, poster sessions and demonstrations, a fashion show featuring technical design, a gadget show, and an impressive student corner. We hope you will find the symposium informative and stimulating, while enjoying its Japan-oriented atmosphere.

The ISWC is now focusing on the fundamental technologies for wearable computing, implementation techniques, and practical applications. Our interests include modeling human communications in wearable environments, smart portable platforms with advanced electronics design, and a variety of applications that are feasible in daily life, in social environments as well as specialized fields. To ensure that wearable computing is spread throughout society and industry, we must continue to develop both implicit and explicit approaches to modeling theory and practical technology. Furthermore, these approaches must provide robust performance in actual applications.

We would like to express our deep thanks to the various functional committees and their members for the energy, skill, and concerted efforts they contributed in putting together a great symposium. Without their hard work, ISWC2005 could not have happened.

Finally, a key to the success of ISWC2005 is the energy from all of you, the participants, and your vigorous communications among yourselves as well as with your hosts in Japan. We are sure that many promising seeds for wearable computing research and business can be discovered when people from a variety of technical and business backgrounds come together with a strong common interest in advancing the state of the art.

Please enjoy ISWC2005 through the information you learn and the people you meet.

Eiji Shimizu and Masatsugu Kidode
ISWC2005 General Co-Chairs


General Chairs: Masatsugu KIDODE, NAIST,
  Eiji SHIMIZU, Takarazuka University of Art and Design,
Finance Chair: Yasuyuki KONO, NAIST,
Program Chairs: Kenji MASE, Nagoya University,
  Bradley RHODES, Ricoh Innovations,
Tutorials and Workshops Chair: Satoshi NAKAMURA, NICT,
Exhibits Co-Chairs: Zary SEGALL, University of Maryland,
  Masahiko TSUKAMOTO, Kobe University,
Publicity Co-Chairs: Daniel ASHBROOK, Georgia Institute of Technology,
  Yasuyuki SUMI, Kyoto University,
Demonstration Haruo NOMA, ATR,
Co-Chairs: Tobias HOLLERER, University of California, Santa Barbara,
Local Arrangements Chair: Naoki SAIWAKI, Nara Women's University,
Publications Chair: Kiyoshi KIYOKAWA, Osaka University,

Program Committee

Kenji Mase (Nagoya U.)
Bradley Rhodes (Ricoh Innovations)

Confirmed Committee:
Mark Billinghurst (HIT Lab NZ)
Masaaki Fukumoto (NTT DoCoMo)
Jennifer Healey (HP Labs)
Paul Lukowicz (ETH)
Tom Martin (VA Tech)
David Mizell (Cray)
Haruo Noma (ATR)
Zary Segall (U. Maryland)
Dan Siewiorek (CMU)
Asim Smalagic (CMU)
Mark Smith (HP Labs)
Thad Starner (Georgia Tech)
Haruo Takemura (Osaka U.)
Bernt Schiele (Darmstadt U.)

Local Committee

Tastuyuki Kawamura (NAIST)
Shinsuke Nakajima (NAIST)
Tomoki Toda (NAIST)
Yoshihiro Yasumuro (NAIST)
Hiromi Mochizuki (NAIST/CREST secretary)


The pictures at the top of each page are (c) Daniel Ashbrook, , and were photographed in or around Osaka, Japan in Summer of 2003.

The pictures in the Call for Papers fliers are provided by the Osaka Convention and Tourism Bureau.

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors