Call for Doctoral Consortium
This Doctoral Consortium will be in conjunction with the 16th International Symposium for Wearable Computing (ISWC '12). ISWC 2012 will be held in co-location with the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive '12), who will hold a parallel doctoral consortium. The ISWC Doctoral Consortium paper submission deadline is March 25, 2012. Doctoral consortium participants will receive free registration to the conference.
The purpose of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to meet, present and discuss on their dissertation plans with each other and a panel of top researchers from the field of Wearable Computing and related fields. Preference will be given to applicants who are beyond the proposal stage and are into their dissertation research. Participants will be chosen and will give short presentations of their research, followed by a discussion and expert panel session. The Consortium will be held on Monday 18 June.
Please make sure to review the instructions provided in the Call for Participation in preparing your submission. Your submission should be a single PDF file that includes the following information:
- a 1- to 2-page extended abstract of your dissertation research for inclusion in the conference adjunct publications. Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file in IEEE Computer Science Press 8.5×11 inch two-column format.
- a short biographical statement (including educational background and research experience)
Accepted submissions will be collected in adjunct conference proceedings and will be presented as posters during the conference.
IMPORTANT: ONLY PDF files will be accepted. Ensure that the file(s) you submit are in this format.
Please e-mail your submission directly to Lucy Dunne and Mark van Gils at: