WS3: Industry@ISWC 2012

Submission Information:

Industry@ISWC will provide a snapshot of cutting edge research in the use of wearable computing in industrial, commercial and professional environments.

We seek contributions on real-world applications of wearable computing such as best practice reports, pilot studies, evaluations and presentations of new technology.

With the proliferation of mobile technology in the workplace, wearable computing research can offer a valuable contribution to the usability of mobile solutions such as the use of context information to inform devices and services of the current task and user situation, relieve professionals of tedious and repetitive information entry tasks and increase worker safety in complex and hazardous environments.

The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers from academia, professional hardware- and software developers and current and future users of wearable computing to stimulate the application of wearable computers in professional environments.

To this end original contributions are sought in relevant areas including (but not limited to)

Contributions by industrial partners are highly welcome; hardware manufacturers and software developers are encouraged to participate in this workshop.


Prof. Dr. Michael Lawo, TZi, Universität Bremen, Germany ;

Prof. Dr. Michael Lawo is since 2004 at TZI ( of the Universitaet Bremen, and since 2009 Managing Director of neusta mobile solutions GmbH ( He is professor for applied computer science at Universitaet Bremen, member of the steering board of Logdynamics ( and involved in numerous projects of logistics, wearable computing and artificial intelligence. He had been the CEO of a group of SME in the IT domain since 1999 with a focus on the development and marketing of virtual reality simulators for surgeons; from 1996 to 2000 he was CEO of an IT consulting firm and from 1991 to 1995 top manager information systems with the Bremer Vulkan group. Michael Lawo was consultant before joining the nuclear research centre in Karlsruhe from 1987 to 1991 as head of the industrial robotics department. He is a 1975 graduate of structural engineering of Ruhr Universität Bochum, received his PhD from Universität Essen in 1981 and became professor in structural optimisation there in 1992. In 2000 he was appointed as professor of honour of the Harbin/China College of Administration & Management. He is author, co-author and co-publisher of eight books and more than 150 scientific papers on numerical methods and computer applications also in logistics, healthcare, optimization, IT security, sensorial materials and wearable computing.

Dr. Holger Kenn, Microsoft Advanced Technology Labs Europe, Germany

Dr. Holger Kenn holds a diploma degree in computer science from the Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Germany and a Ph.D. from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. In 2001, he became Lecturer of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the newly founded Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany where his research focused on autonomous mobile multi-robot systems for urban search and rescue. From 2004 to 2007 he worked as senior scientist at the TZI at Universität Bremen, Germany on research topics in wearable computing. Since 2007, he works for Microsoft Research at the Advanced Technology Labs Europe in Aachen, Germany on embedded systems and system-level software.