WS1: Workshop on Wearables for Outdoor Augmented Reality


Augmented Reality (AR) is a successful application area of Wearable Computing, especially for Outdoor AR where mobility is an important factor. The most successful wearable computer to date is the mobile phones, which are also an excellent platform for Outdoor AR systems. Wearable Outdoor AR systems in general are widely utilized in various domains, including architecture, military, tourism, navigation, and entertainment. Such diverse usages impose several challenges on researchers from both areas of augmented reality and wearable computing, such as interaction, activity and context recognition, wearability, design, and modeling. We invite researchers from relevant disciplines to a one-day workshop held in conjunction with ISWC 2012 to present novel works and discuss the application of state-of-the-art wearable computing research to outdoor augmented reality systems. The workshop also provides an opportunity for directed discussion sessions to identify current issues, research topics, and solution approaches, which lead to the proposal of future research directions.

Considered within the context of Wearables for Outdoor Augmented Reality, the related research topics include, but are not restricted to:

The workshop aims to present an overview of latest research work in the area of Wearable Outdoor AR, and to provide an opportunity for the participants to have a focused discussion to identify future research directions. There is a great potential to apply the latest research in wearable computing, such as gesture recognition, wearable interaction, wearability design, and activity and context recognition, to outdoor AR research. The workshop is targeted at researchers from both research areas of wearable computing and outdoor AR, as well as any related application disciplines.

Call for Papers and Important Dates

The workshop will be an opportunity to present position papers on topics relevant to Wearable Outdoor Augmented Reality. We invite submission of 2-4 page position papers using the IEEE Computer Science Press 8.5x11-inch two-column format (LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates), to be sent to The position papers will be reviewed by the organizing committee and external reviewers. Authors will be notified of the results and will receive instructions for submitting the final version. The schedule for submission and notifications is as follows:

Submission due: 13 April 2012
Notifications to authors: 23 April 2012
Final version due: 30 April 2012

We are seeking papers that are DIRECTLY related to the area of Wearables for Outdoor Augmented Reality. The authors are required to describe explicitly how their technologies are applied to Wearables for Outdoor Augmented Reality.

Accepted papers will be included in the electronic adjunct proceedings distributed to participants of ISWC 2012. Authors presenting at the workshop are invited to co-author a journal paper outlining the ten future research challenges and/or future directions for Wearable Outdoor Augmented Reality research, based on the outcomes of the discussion held at the workshop. The paper is to be submitted to an appropriate journal.


The workshop is divided into two parts:

- Morning presentations:
- Afternoon discussions:


Bruce H. Thomas & Thuong N. Hoang
Werable Computer Lab - University of South Australia,