Tenth International Symposium on Wearable Computers
October 11-14, 2006




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  Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 14
09:00   Invited Talk: Michael Lawo Wearability and Garments "Humans" tutorial & "Activty" tutorial part 1
10:00 Break
10:30 Interface Evaluation Break
11:00 Panel on mobile phones
12:00 Lunch Break Lunch
13:30 Locations systems Activity Recognition II "On-body" tutorial, "Disabilities" tutorial & "Activity" tutorial part 2
14:00 Invited Talk: Masahiko Inami
14:30 Break
14:45 Input devices and sensors Break
15:00 Break
15:15 Activity Recognition I Gadget Show
15:45 Break
16:00 Business Meeting
16:15 1-min madness
16:30 Break Poster Session 2 and Demos  
16:45 1-min madness
17:00 Poster Session 1, Doctoral sympoisum and Reception  
18:30 Break
20:00   Banquet

Wednesday Oct 11

Thursday Oct 12

Friday Oct 13

Saturday Oct 14: Workshops & Tutorials

Morning tutorial: "Humans: a Tutorial"

Abstract: Design plays a crucial role in the development of wearable technology. However, because of the inherent interdisciplinarity of the design space, designers must consider a wealth of new and challenging variables, and become familiar with aspects of many different fields of study.

This tutorial deals with the challenge of designing for the human user of wearable technology. It explores the user's physical body, mental cognition, and social patterns, and subsequently addresses the historical and sociological place of body-worn objects. It is aimed at exposing the engineer, designer, or enthusiast to the complex human-related variables involved in designing wearable technology.


Lucy Dunne is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science in the Adaptive Information Cluster, University College Dublin. She holds a BS and MA from Cornell University in Apparel Design (focused on wearable technology and functional clothing design), and an AAS in Electronic Technology. She has worked in fashion design, functional apparel design, and intelligent clothing design, and has been an active ISWC participant since 2001. She co-authored the Making Computers Wearable tutorial at ISWC 2003. Her current research is focused on garment-integrated body sensing.

Jane McCann In 1995 Jane established what is still, the only Masters programme in Performance Sportswear Design, at the University of Derby. She is a leading authority on the subject of performance sportswear in the world of education and works with universities in Finland, China, Northern Ireland and Wales and acts as consultant to many of the top names in the sports clothing industry. Her work led her to establish an academic community which broke down barriers between design and science subject areas such as textiles, fashion, graphic and product design and those in the sphere of human biology, textile and information technology, contextual studies and marketing. Research is taking her studies into the fields of sustainable design, protective and corporate clothing, intelligent clothes, clothes for the third age group and those with special needs.

Afternoon tutorial: On-Body Sensing

Abstract: New sensor technologies are being created daily. This tutorial will explore the use of sensor technologies for on-body use, and investigate a number of questions: What sensors can be useful for wearable applications? What applications are there for on-body sensing? What is the best way to mount sensors on the body, and how can data be collected from the sensors? What algorithms can be used for recognition of wearable sensors? How can we deal with the huge quantities of data collected from MHz sensors?


Daniel Ashbrook is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He investigates a wide variety of mobile- and wearable-related topics, such as on-body sensing, mobile collaboration, mobile multiplayer gaming and wearable media creation and sharing. He has his BS and MS also from Georgia Tech, both in Computer Science. Dan is an avid amateur photographer and has exhibited prints at the Atlanta Museum of Contemporary Arts and Muriel & Sebastian's ice cream shop.

Tracy Westeyn is a Ph.D. student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her primary research areas are on-body sensing, wearable computing, and machine learning. Currently, she is researching the use of on-body sensors to support the diagnosis and treatment of children with autism. Her previous research involved eye-based gesture recognition as an interface for persons with severe disabilities. She is a primary author of the Georgia Tech Gesture Toolkit (GT2K), which supports gesture-based research applications. Outside of the lab, Westeyn is an active member of the Women@CC organization which helps support women in computer science at Georgia Tech. She has her black belt in Shaolin Kung Fu and has served as both president and goalie for the Georgia Tech Women's Lacrosse club.

Afternoon tutorial: Wearable Computing for Persons with Disabilities

Abstract: The goal of this half-day tutorial is to provide attendees with a survey of issues related to wearable computing for persons with disabilities. Topics to be covered will include a discussion of why accessibility and universal design are important, information on current accessibility techniques, a detailed look at previous wearable research in the disability domain. The process of designing a wearable system for persons with disabilities will be discussed along with a set of guidelines and tips drawn from the experiences of experts in several domains that will help the attendees prepare to perform user centered design projects with populations of users with disabilities.


Maribeth Gandy is a Research Scientist with the Interactive Media Technology Center (IMTC) at Georgia Tech. She is involved with many biomedical and wearable related research projects. In the past she was a co-author on papers regarding such topics as audio-only wearable computing and a wearable device for universal control. She was also involved in an NIH funded grant to explore the use of computer vision, digital signal processing, expert systems, and computer graphics to automate a brain surgery procedure that alleviates the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Maribeth is a project director and co-investigator in the Wireless RERC (www.wirelessrerc.org), a 5-year $5 mil grant from the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) in the area of wireless and mobile devices for people with disabilities.

Full-day tutorial: Hands-on Activity Context Recognition

Abstract:This workshop will discuss examples and practical methods used for context recognition applications. Participants will have the opportunity to see and experiment with an activity event recognition application.

In the introductory part (morning) industry-relevant application examples out of EU projects are presented. This includes demonstrations of running research systems using on-body sensors and wearable computers, e.g. the QBIC. After discussion of some basic concepts, including sensing modalities, recording and annotation we briefly cover practical approaches for sensor data segmentation, event spotting and classification, all relevant for wearable systems.

In the practical part (afternoon) participants will use the Context Recognition Network (CRN) Toolbox to perform data annotation and classifier training using their own notebooks. The algorithms can be evaluated in an on-line gesture-controlled game challenge. Optionally participants can refine their algorithms by personalisation. The participant scores are discussed at the end of the workshop.


Oliver Amft is a PhD candidate at the Wearable Computing Lab., ETH Zurich. His research is focused on medical applications of wearable systems including on-body sensing of physiological and activity parameters as well as behavioural pattern analysis. His professional experience includes several years in industry at ABB Inc and internships at Infineon Technologies and Siemens Inc. In his PhD work he investigates on-body methods for automatic dietary monitoring.

David Bannach is a PhD student at the Institute for Embedded Systems at University of Passau, Germany. His PhD work is focused on activity context recognition. David is the core maintainer of the Context Recognition Network (CRN) toolbox, a framework for online signal processing and pattern recognition.

Kai Kunze is a second year PhD student at the Institute for Embedded Systems at the University of Passau, Germany. He received his MSc and BS degrees in CS from the International University, Bruchsal, Germany. His professional experience includes internships at the Research and Innovation Center of the German Stock Exchange (RIC Deutsche Boerse Systems), Sunlabs Europe, and CSL PARC.

Paul Lukowicz is a Professor of CS at University of Passau, Germany and at UMIT Innsbruck, Austria. Paul received a MSc in CS and Physics and the PhD in CS from University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Before being appointed Professor he was in charge of the Wearable Computing Lab. at ETH Zurich. His research interests include wearable computer architectures and activity context recognition.

Poster Session 1 - Oct 11

Poster Session 2 - Oct 12
