Photo: ©2008 Ars Electronica Center

How did you like ISWC'09?

We appreciate your time and effort in answering the following questions which will help us in improving future conferences and better shape them to your needs. Your responses will remain completely confidential.

Please provide the "secret password" mentioned in the closing ceremony. If you missed the password, please send me an email (Michael, and I will promptly send it to you.

How would you rate the technical program?

ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
Keynote on Saturday
Keynote on Monday
Scientific Quality of Papers and Presentations
Timeliness and Importance os Session Topics
Possibility to find new contacts for future collaboration

How well was the conference managed?

ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor
Conference Facilities
Registration Desk
Participant Materials
Usefulness of the Website
Quality of Food
Social Program

What did you particularily like at ISWC'09?

What needs to be improved for future ISWCs?