UbiComp '15 / ISWC '15 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
Showing mutual support through digital empathy badges
HuMorse: smartphone based unified home automation for the disabled and elderly
E2C2: efficient and effective camera calibration in indoor environments
Interactive interface for expressway travel planning with traffic predictions
Context-aware scene recommendation for travel photography
Senbay: smartphone-based activity capturing and sharing using sensor-federated video
TicTorque: diagnosing effects of blink tics through mobile EEG headsets
Online deep intelligence for Wi-Fi indoor localization
Filtering visual information for reducing visual cognitive load
Incorporating fictionality into the real space: a case of enhanced TCG
Automatic rock climbing route inference using wearables
"Give me five minutes!": feeling time slip by
TaskMe: a cross-community, quality-enhanced incentive mechanism for mobile crowd sensing
A wearable action support system for business use by context-aware computing based on web schedule
An estimation of wheelchair user's muscle fatigue by accelerometers on smart devices
A population model for predicting human mobility
Inferring user activities from spatial-temporal data in mobile phones
Silhouette interactions: using the hand shadow as interaction modality
Entry: visual programming to enhance children's computational thinking
Location based surveillance for early detection of contagious outbreaks
State magic: state estimation for Android smartphone
Toward classification of swimming style by using underwater wireless accelerometer data
Feasibility of pervasive monitoring of nonverbal information in daily office activity
Semi-automatic remote medicine monitoring system of miners
Social context awareness from taxi traces: mining how human mobility patterns are shaped by bags of POI
Protecting workers with smart e-vest
fStrip: a malleable shape-retaining wearable strip for interface on-demand
CARE: chewing activity recognition using noninvasive single axis accelerometer
Using mobile phones to assist patients in recovering from ketamine addiction
A public vehicle-based urban sensing system
A queue analytics system for taxi service using mobile crowd sensing
Mixed-reality shopping system using HMD and smartwatch
User identification based on toothbrushing information using three-axis accelerometer
A habitat-monitoring system for an endangered fish using a sensor network
User identity in the internet of things: effects of self-extension and message framing on object attachment
Towards performance feedback through tactile displays to improve learning archery
Examining the design space of insect inspired notifications
Facilitating trunk endurance assessment by means of mobile health technologies
Experiment for nursing activity analysis using mobile sensors and proximity sensors
Green weaver: participatory green mapping and networking for fostering sustainable communities
Combining social media and location-based services for shop type recommendation
Detecting mischoice of public transportation route based on smartphone and GIS
Cormorant: towards continuous risk-aware multi-modal cross-device authentication
BabyBumper: protector/communication wearable device for pregnant women
SAFT: study of sensor unit for fall prevention in blocked vision
KneeHapp: a bandage for rehabilitation of knee injuries
Recognition of curiosity using eye movement analysis
Smart maternity clothes for visualizing fetal movement data
Sensory substitution to enable the visually impaired to play an affordable wearable mobile game
iSee: obstacle detection and feedback system for the blind
Pedestrian's avoidance behavior recognition for road anomaly detection in the city
Enhancing CoAP proxy for semantic composition and multicast communication
Why alone?: sensing children's social interactions in the playground
CrowdWalk: leveraging the wisdom of the crowd to inspire walking activities
CaneFitter: investigation on appropriate cane selection and proper cane use for the elderly
Designing group fitness swimming exergames: a case study
A method for automatic assessment of user-generated tests and its evaluation
CapCouch: home control with a posture-sensing couch
Power-efficient context sensing using mobile GPUs
Envisioning a smart home that can learn and negotiate the needs of multiple users
SimpleSkin: towards multipurpose smart garments
Weaving electronic circuit into two-layer fabric
A study of intermittent adjustment to resist displacement of smart garment using posture-stable daily actions
Activity tracking and indoor positioning with a wearable magnet
Improving GPS-based indoor-outdoor detection with moving direction information from smartphone
Mobile health apps: adoption, adherence, and abandonment
Identification of relevant sensor sources for context-aware ESM apps in ambulatory assessment
Recognizing extended surrounding contexts via class incremental learning
MetamorphicWall: module-based massive sensing and representation
FingerPhone: smart interphone integrated with a fingerprint sensor
A generic service oriented software platform to design ambient intelligent systems
FootStep-tracker: an anchor-free indoor localization system via sensing foot steps
TagRadar: locating objects using a smart phone accessory
L'evolved: autonomous and ubiquitous utilities as smart agents
Node view: a mHealth real-time infectious disease interface disease interface - 2014 ebola outbreak case study
UBI: user body interface for wearable and touch panel device
I-Eng: an interactive toy for second language learning
MagNail: user interaction with smart device through magnet attached to fingernail
Bin-ary: detecting the state of organic trash to prevent insalubrity
A privacy-conscious human-tracking system
Water-jet printer: sprinkler with watering-position control
Real time heart rate and breathing detection using commercial motion sensors
WaistonBelt: a belt for monitoring your real abdominal circumference forever
StudI/O: positioning toy-block only by projection
Velobug: a mobile system for 3D indoor mapping
Invisibilia: revealing invisible data using augmented reality and internet connected devices
SakuraSensor: a system for realtime cherry-lined roads detection by in-vehicle smartphones
SenStick: sensorize every things
An augmented e-reader for multimodal literacy
AffectiveWear: towards recognizing affect in real life
MEME: eye wear computing to explore human behavior
Chameleon dial: repeated camera-recording attack resilient PIN input scheme
NFC-WISP: an open source software defined near field RFID sensing platform
Supporting collaborative play via an affordable touching + singing plant for children with autism in China
Using smart eyeglasses as a wearable game controller
BuildingRules: a trigger-action based system to manage complex commercial buildings
Yarns with embedded electronics
A collaborative gaze aware information display
A social media based real scene navigation system with a holographic projection on a HUD
Sketching on 3D structured surfaces
From computational thinking to computational making
SAL: a small, simple, situated, ambient logger
CARduino: device toolkit suitable for use in automobiles
A pedestrian passage detection method by using spinning magnets on corridors
Demo of MagnifiSense: inferring device interaction using wrist-worn passive magneto-inductive sensors
Orbits: enabling gaze interaction in smart watches using moving targets
SESSION: Doctoral school
Towards smartphone-based sensing of social interaction for ambulatory assessment
Personal informatics in everyday life
Towards transparent multi-device-authentication
Evaluating effectiveness of stimulus control, time management and self-reward for weight loss behavior change
Exploring a theory-guided path to the design of personal informatics and intervention technologies
Acquiring musculoskeletal information in active environments, using a wearable system
Haptic mirror therapy glove: aiding the treatment of a paretic limb after a stroke
Past places and social reminiscence
TangoHapps: an integrated development environment for smart garments
Object user recognition in multi-person homes
Supporting group tourists' planning: understanding group preferences through ubicomp systems
Designing personalized technology to augment patient-centered care
Exploring group awareness in a mixed reality collaborative environment
A semi lazy bandit approach for intelligent service discovery in IoT applications
Improving the accuracy of wearable activity classifiers
Towards circadian computing: a sensing & intervention framework for BodyClock friendly technology
Facilitating participatory practice for smart textiles
Gamified participation: investigating the influence of game elements in civic engagement tools
Adopting internet of things for provisioning health-care
Tactile interaction gestures: a wearable hand tactile system for interacting with ubiquitous information
SESSION: Design exhibition
Subverting the gaze: redefining the object role, gaze subversion helmet
Future circus: a performer-guided mixed-reality performance art
iMind: paul klee, dialogism& BCI
Enfold: clothing for people with cerebral palsy
Sensory mode: SIGCHI extended abstract
MuSync: a smart glove that balance personal safety and music control in urban environment
Awareable steps: functional and fashionable shoes for patients with dementia
Design and implementation of an adaptive wearable thermal comfort data acquisition prototype
Enhanced tradition: combining tech and traditional clothing
Crafting butterfly lace: conductive multi-color sensor-actuator structure
HALO: wearable lighting
ThinkerBelle EEG amplifying dress
Fall: an interactive garment that mimics nature's responsive system of defoliation through an embedded electronic mechanism
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: ASGA4Health: atelier of smart garments and accessories for healthy lifestyles
Smart garments and accessories for healthy lifestyles
BioWear: a kinetic accessory that communicates emotions through wearable technology
An overview of wearable applications for healthcare: requirements and challenges
You have 5 seconds: designing glanceable feedback for physical activity trackers
Social toothbrush: fostering family nudging around tooth brushing habits
Mobile healthcare service model in Japan: current condition and future issues
Designing intimate wearables to promote preventative health care practices
Designing a smart plantar to support people in sport activities
Wearable lifestyle tracking devices: are they useful for teenagers?
What we expect for wearable health, from clinical settings
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: MCSS 2015: 4th international workshop on mobile systems for computational social science
4th ACM international workshop on mobile systems for computational social science
Using opportunistic face logging from smartphone to infer mental health: challenges and future directions
How to use smartphones for less obtrusive ambulatory mood assessment and mood recognition
SWAN: a novel mobile system to track and analyze social well-being
Impact of experience sampling methods on tap pattern based emotion recognition
Ask, but don't interrupt: the case for interruptibility-aware mobile experience sampling
The mobile photographic stress meter (MPSM): a new way to measure stress using images
Smartphone based estimation of relative risk propensity for inducing good driving behavior
Candy crushing your sleep
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: PD-Apps 2015: the 2nd workshop on challenges and opportunities in creating applications for pervasive public display networks
Tackling challenges of interactive public displays using gaze
Supporting interactivity on a ski lift
CASIK, a culturally adaptive sustainable information kiosk
Public displays for monitoring and improving community wellbeing
Towards a smart retail environment
Mediating movement-based interaction through semiotically enhanced shadow representations
3D interaction with networked public displays using mobile and wearable devices
Touchless gestural interfaces for networked public displays: overcoming interaction blindness and performing evaluations in-the-wild
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: PerPart 2015: 2nd international workshop on pervasive participation
2nd international workshop on pervasive participation
Potentials and challenges of a living lab approach in research on mobile participation
Senior, follower and busy grumbler: user needs for pervasive participation
Keeping it private: an augmented reality approach to citizen participation with public displays
FlashPolling privacy: the discrepancy of intention and action in location-based poll participation
Investigating the influence of game elements on civic engagement
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: PETMEI 2015: 5th international workshop on pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction
The 5th international workshop on pervasive eye tracking and mobile eye-based interaction
Understanding gaze and scrolling strategies in text consumption tasks
A gaze interactive textual smartwatch interface
Extraction of read text using a wearable eye tracker for automatic video annotation
Haptic feedback of gaze gestures with glasses: localization accuracy and effectiveness
A field study on spontaneous gaze-based interaction with a public display using pursuits
EyeDroid: an open source mobile gaze tracker on Android for eyewear computers
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: collective adaptation in very large scale ubicomp: towards a superorganism of wearables
Collective adaptation in very large scale ubicomp: towards a superorganism of wearables
Contact-free sensing for collective activity recognition
Programming very-large scale systems of wearables
Collective eyewear
What if you know it all?: quantifying human behavior from a virtual world
Collective adaptive systems
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: towards wisdom computing: harmonious collaboration between people and machines
Research area on intelligent systems creating co-experience knowledge and wisdom with human-machine "harmonious" collaboration
Analyzing human attention and behavior via collective visual sensing for the creation of life innovation
Human visual behaviour for collaborative human-machine interaction
Social imaging technology to identify and represent social behaviors
Behavioral imaging technology for modeling, analyzing, and visualizing social and communicative behavior
Explicit and implicit aspects of embodied knowledge
Neuroprofile: a web-based service for personalized neuroprediction from anatomical brain scans
A platform PRINTEPS to develop practical intelligent applications
An overview of the KnowRob project: semantic knowledge for autonomous
Workshop on full-body and multisensory experience in ubiquitous interaction
An egocentric approach towards ubiquitous multimodal interaction
Sensing mine, yours, theirs, and ours: interpersonal ubiquitous interactions
Human body and smart objects
Body experience in the ubiquitous era: towards a new gestural corpus for smart spaces
Expanding our perceptual world through technology: a subjective bodily perspective
Spatially selective binaural hearing aids
The multisensory interactive window: immersive experiences for the elderly
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: QS: new frontiers of quantified self: finding new ways for engaging users in collecting and using personal data
New frontiers of quantified self: finding new ways for engaging users in collecting and using personal data
The curse of quantified-self: an endless quest for answers
Improving the classification of quantified self activities and behaviour using a fisher kernel
An evaluation on behaviors in taking photos by changing icon images on head mounted display
Opportunities and challenges for self-experimentation in self-tracking
Introducing SAL, simple, situated, ambient loggers, for personal goals
Exploring physical activity monitoring devices for diabetic and obese patients
Formative studies of SAL, simple situated ambient loggers
BeuPo: a digital plant that you can raise and customize with your current posture
Quantified self and modeling of human cognition
Adopting a user modeling approach to quantify the city
A tangible personal informatics system for an amusing self-reporting
Quantifying mobility: pervasive technologies for transport modeling
MobiTop: bringing topic-based reflection to mobile browsing habits
Narrating the quantified self
Leveraging smartwatches for unobtrusive mobile ambulatory mood assessment
Fitness tracker or digital personal coach: how to personalize training
Using periodicity intensity to detect long term behaviour change
Exploring correlational information in aggregated quantified self data dashboards
Challenges, feedback & notifications: empirical explorations to inform the design of interfaces to motivate and encourage long-term personal informatics use
Beyond a utility view of personal informatics: a postphenomenological framework
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: participatory design and the humanist research landscape
Workshop on participatory design and the humanist landscape
An introduction to IPR as a participatory design research method
An introduction to the person-centred approach as an attitude for participatory design
Reflections on the heuristic experiences of a multidisciplinary team trying to bring the PCA to participatory design (with emphasis on the IPR method)
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: PURBA 2015: the 4th workshop on pervasive urban applications
PURBA 2015: the 4th workshop on pervasive urban applications
A tool for exploratory visualization of bus mobility and ridership: a case study of Lisbon, Portugal
Crowdsourcing biking times
Understanding the social practice of EV workplace charging
Navigation strategies in the cityscape/datascape
Improving accident statistics: the role of social media
Forager: designing location-aware applications for informal waste recyclers in Brazil
A smartphone based method to enhance road pavement anomaly detection by analyzing the driver behavior
Tweet of the town: a case study of Thailand
Forecasting algorithm developed from the neuro: fuzzy system
Real-time passenger location estimation using CDRs and train objects generated from crowdsourced timetables
EQviz: a visualization tool for monitoring world earthquakes
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: WAHM: 2nd workshop on ubiquitous technologies to augment the human mind: towards the knowledge log
2nd workshop on ubiquitous technologies to augment the human mind: towards the knowledge log
Quantifying the mental state on the basis of physical and social activities
Reading similarity measure based on comparison of fixation sequences
Eye gaze and text line matching for reading analysis
Investigating memory recall by visualization of photo network
Exploring sensory augmentation through tactile interfaces
Lifelog-based estimation of activity diary for cognitive behavioral therapy
Multimodal literacy: storytelling across senses
Monitoring and enhancing nurse emergency training with wearable devices
Stop helping me - I'm bored!: why assembly assistance needs to be adaptive
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: wear and tear: constructing wearable technology for the real world
The challenges of wearable computing for working dogs
Wearable studio practice: design considerations for digital crafting in harsh environments
U-Art: your art and ubiquitous art
Fast prototyping of an AR HUD based on google cardboard API
Ruggedization of vibration stimuli in silicone-electronic devices
Development of a custom keyboard for extended use in salt water
Throwing buddy: solving sensor challenges through soft-good construction, design, and fabric selection
Beyond arduinos: prototyping with field programmable hardware devices
Stick it in your ear: building an in-ear jaw movement sensor
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: WMSC'15: workshop on mobile and situated crowdsourcing
Workshop on mobile and situated crowdsourcing
The use of colocation and flow networks in mobile crowdsourcing
Incentivizing truthful responses with the logarithmic peer truth serum
A machine learning approach for lighting perception analysis via crowdsourcing
Challenges in using wearable cameras and phone logs to generate ground truth of transportation activities
Towards a crowdsourcing approach for crime prevention
SUWANT!: support application for seat availability determination on trains
GuideMate: a crowd-powered system to assist the disabled
Bazaar: a situated crowdsourcing market
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: SenCity2: visualizing the hidden pulse of a city
SenCity 2: visualizing the hidden pulse of a city
Wearable AR --- towards industrial adoption: 4th workshop on wearable systems for industrial augmented reality applications
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: HASCA2015: 3rd international workshop on human activity sensing corpus and its application
International workshop on human activity sensing corpus and its application (HASCA2015)
Top of worlds: estimating time complexity of calculating rank order in multi-dimensional hierarchical sets
Labels: quantified self app for human activity sensing
Sensing human activity for assessing participation in evacuation drills
Evaluation of cross-assistive approach for PDR and Wi-Fi positioning in the real environment
Analyzing daily-life activities and power consumptions using tablet sensors and activity annotation web system
Recognition of high-level activities with a smartphone
SuperAD: supervised activity discovery
Towards concurrent task verification in context-aware applications
Inference of activities with unexpected actions using pattern mining
Design and implementation of algorithm for estimation of elevator travel distance using smartphone accelerometer
PDR trajectory estimation using pedestrian-space constraints: real world evaluations
WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshops: smart cities: the 1st international workshop on smart cities: people, technology and data
SmartCities'15: international workshop on smart cities: people, technology and data
Gamifying smart city services to flourish our society
Statistical analysis of actual number of pedestrians for Wi-Fi packet-based pedestrian flow sensing
On crowdsourcing information maps: cornucopia of the commons for the city
Smart cities: engaging users and developers to foster innovation ecosystems
Privacy preserving crowd estimation for safer cities
Managing energy tariffs with agents: a field study of a future smart energy system at home
Real-time and proactive navigation via spatio-temporal prediction
An appliance classification method for residential appliance scheduling
Extracting emergent knowledge about the socioeconomic urban contexts
An event-based data fusion algorithm for smart cities
Collision detection for bicycle and pedestrian exchange GPS location in smartphone
Reimagining the role of citizens in smart city projects
Exploring user model of the city by using interactive public display application
Sensorizer: an architecture for regenerating cyber physical data streams from the web
MinaQn: web-based participatory sensing platform for citizen-centric urban development
Impact of the spatial context on human communication activity
Considerations towards the construction of smart city testbed based on use case and testbed analysis