Daily Schedule
8:30 Registration / Help desk opens
09:30-10:30 Workshop program
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Workshop program
12:00-13:30 or 12:30-14:00 Lunch (depends on each workshop)
13:30-15:30 Workshop program
15:30–16:00 Coffee break
16:00-19:00 Workshop program
19:00 Registration / Help desk closes
List of Workshops
Room No. |
Sept. 7 |
Sept. 8 |
B01 |
Wear and Tear (*) |
MCSS 2015 |
B02 |
B03 |
B04 | Participatory Design and the Humanist Research Landscape | |
B05 |
Wearable AR |
PD-Apps |
B06 |
PURBA 2015 |
ASGA4Health |
B07 |
Collective Adaptation in Very Large Scale Ubicomp |
PerPart 2015 |
B08 |
PETMEI 2015 |
SenCity2 |
C01 |
QS |
C02 |
Smart Cities |
Broadening Participation Workshop |
C03 |
PDR Challenge |
HASCA2015 |
C04 |
Towards Wisdom Computing |
BodySenseUX |
C05 |
T1 Application-Driven Research |
T2 Bridging the Gap |
C06 |
WMSC'15 |
Design and Innovation in Wearable Technology |
C07 |
Registration |
Registration |
(*) The 2nd day of Wear and Tear is scheduled for field trip.
Bxx is located at 10th floor of tower B, and Cxx is located at 8th floor of tower C.
Workshop registration room is C07 for not only Cxx but also Bxx.
SenCity2: Visualizing the Hidden Pulse of a City
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B08
Following on from the success of the first SenCity workshop at UbiComp in 2013, this will be a one-day workshop of hands-on activities, focused on physically visualizing the hidden pulse of the city using actuation and physical mediums. Inter-disciplinary groups will be challenged to design and develop physical visualizations that will represent one or more urban datasets. Ready-to-use datasets and a rapid prototyping toolkit will be provided. In addition to applying practical knowledge and creative flair, groups will also have the chance to display their physical visualizations in urban settings around the Osaka workshop venue to observe and understand how passers-by engage with the visualizations and the data they represent. Participants will be encouraged to consider designs for different urban contexts, designs that merge personal and public data and to what extent designs should 'blend into' or 'stand out from' their urban background.
Sarah Gallacher, Connie Golsteijn, Vaiva Kalnikaite, Steven Houben, Rose Johnson, Daniel Harrison, Nicolai Marquardt
HBU: Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU): Behavior analysis for the elderly
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: C01
With advances in pattern recognition and multimedia computing, it became possible to analyze human behavior via multimodal sensors, at different time-scales and at different levels of interaction and interpretation. The 6th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding aims to see where this change is taking us, and to inspect developments in areas where smarter computers that can sense human behavior have great potential to revolutionize the application domain.
This workshop will gather researchers dealing with the problem of modeling human behavior under its multiple facets (display of complex social and relational behaviors, recognition of individual or joint actions, personalization, etc.), with the focus topic of BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS FOR THE ELDERLY. The Workshop URL is: http://www.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/hbu/2015/. Dr. Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell Univ.) is the first announced keynote.
Albert Ali Salah, Ben Kr_se, Diane J. Cook
QS: New frontiers of Quantified Self: finding new ways for engaging users in collecting and using personal data
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: C01
The advancements in wearable and ubiquitous technologies are opening new horizons for Quantified Self (also known as Personal Informatics), which aims to use technology for collecting data on different aspects of people's daily lives to provide self-knowledge or elicit behavior change processes. In spite of the fast growth in the market of devices and applications that allow users to collect personal information, these tools still present a variety of issues when they are used in everyday lives of common people. We want to go beyond the Quantified Self to explore both new technologies and design techniques that could be applied to this field, welcoming both position papers and research papers, case studies, future research challenges and reflections. In this workshop, we aim at gathering researchers with different backgrounds in a unique place for imagining how the tracking, management, interpretation and visualization of personal data could be addressed in the future. The workshop will combine presentations and design sessions aimed to generate a variety of novel insights related to this field.
Amon Rapp, Federica Cena, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Frank Hopfgartner, Till Plumbaum , Jakob Eg Larsen
WMSC'15: Workshop on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: C06
Crowdsourcing beyond the desktop is increasingly attracting interest due to the rapid proliferation of smart phones and other ubiquitous technologies, such as public displays. This workshop seeks to investigate the current state of the art of mobile and situated crowdsourcing by bringing together researchers of this thriving research agenda. We hope this workshop will make an impact as a venue for crowdsourcing researchers to join and share their knowledge, experience reports, novel applications and ideas.
Jorge Goncalves, Simo Hosio, Vassilis Kostakos, Maja Vukovic, Shin'ichi Konomi
PETMEI 2015: 5th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: B08
Eye tracking technology is becoming increasingly available for mobile and pervasive settings. The availability of eye tracking beyond the desktop calls for new interaction concepts, novel applications, and an understanding of the broader implications of pervasive eye tracking on humans. PETMEI 2015 focuses on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction. The goal of the workshop is to bring together members in the ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing, computer vision, machine learning and eye tracking community to exchange ideas and to discuss different techniques and applications for pervasive eye tracking.
Peter Kiefer, Yanxia Zhang, Andreas Bulling
PUTHSDI: First International Workshop on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Techniques for Healthcare Service Delivery Improvement [Cancelled]
Date: Tuesday, September 8
The Pervasive and Ubiquitous Techniques for Healthcare Service Delivery Improvement (PUTHSDI) workshop (http://puthsdi.wp.horizon.ac.uk/) is the premier interdisciplinary forum for leading international healthcare delivery researchers, managers, clinicians, operations specialists, practitioners, industrial designers, and developers to present and discuss key issues and methods to do with the incorporation of ubiquitous and pervasive computing for healthcare service improvement. This includes the design, development, deployment, and impacts of ubiquitous and pervasive computing technologies to better understand how healthcare providers manage their time, task load, communication, and other factors in order to improve service delivery.
Jesse Blum, John Blakey, Alexandra Lang, Dominick Shaw, Xiangshi Ren, Sarah Sharples, Yongqiang Qin, Michael Brown, Keiko Okuyama, James Pinchin
WAHM: 2nd Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies to Augment the Human Mind: Towards the Knowledge Log
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B02
Lifelogging technologies, the use of sensing technologies to analyze and record one's lives, is on the rise. Products from industry and research in academia currently focus on using the collected data to support health and fitness. Given these trends, it is only a matter of time before we see mobile sensing technology applied to cognitive tasks, enabling novel research directions and use cases. In this workshop, we explore the implications of "knowledge logging", how to record and track what we read, learn, comprehend and how this impacts research towards mind augmentation.
Kai Kunze, Tilman Dingler, Niels Henze, Koichi Kise, Yoichi Sato
Wearable AR - Towards industrial adoption: 4th Workshop on Wearable Systems for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: B05
This fourth workshop on Wearable Systems for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications is the place for discussion about the following topics: core technologies, such as wearable hardware, AR development kits or AR-enabled software; software architectures and applications concepts; as well as business ideas and case studies of AR systems within the industrial context. The organizers will invite presentations of leaders in wearable computing asking to showcase new products and research & development roadmaps in the area of Wearable Augmented Reality systems. The mix of submitted and invited contributions will raise and bring forward questions, which have no answers, yet. Abstracts of the presentations will be included in the ACM Digital Library and supplemental proceedings of UbiComp 2015 conference.
Christian B_rgy, Holger Kenn
AwareCast 2015: 4th Workshop on recent advances in behavior prediction and pro-active pervasive computing [Cancelled]
Date: Monday, September 7
Context prediction breaks the border from reaction on past and present stimuli to proactive anticipation of actions. Research directions spread from applications for context prediction over event prediction, architectures for context prediction, data formats, and algorithms. Recent work focuses on three main challenges: (1) Prediction beyond location, (2) Benchmarks and common data sets, and (3) Common development frameworks. While there have been contributions targeting some of these challenges, we still see them as unsolved. Thus we invite unique contribution addressing these challenges and provide a forum to facilitate collaboration among research groups focusing on context prediction.
Jesse Blum, John Blakey, Alexandra Lang, Dominick Shaw, Xiangshi Ren, Sarah Sharples, Yongqiang Qin, Michael Brown, Keiko Okuyama, James Pinchin
HASCA2015: 3rd International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and Its Application
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: C03
To understand human activities using various sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes in recent smartphones/wearable devices, a large scale human activity sensing corpus might play an important role. Also, it is a great challenge to utilize such enormous number of wearable sensors to collect large-scale activity corpus. In this workshop, we will share the experiences of current researches on human activity corpus and its applications among the researchers and the practitioners and to have a deep discussion for the future of human activity understanding.
Nobuo Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Nishio, Daniel Roggen, Sozo Inoue, Susanna Pirttikangas
Smart Cities: The 1st International Workshop on Smart Cities: People, Technology and Data
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: C02
Cities are not machines, yet too many Smart City projects focus on efficiency and optimization and treat people as mindless users of technology. This workshop will focus on the complex interplay between technologies, data and citizens, exploring how citizens can be engaged to co-design Smart City services and how technology can be harnessed to meet their needs. By soliciting experiences papers from leading Smart City testbeds, and then encouraging detailed discussion by practitioners, we aim to develop guidelines and lessons that will grow the Smart City Community.
Morito Matsuoka, Rodger Lea, Naonori Ueda, Luis Mu_oz, Hide Tokuda
PerPart 2015: 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Participation
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B07
The 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Participation (PerPart 2015) seeks to discuss the various requirements, opportunities, challenges and impact of novel concepts for advanced citizen e-participation based on the pervasive computing paradigm. Such novel participation methods utilize latest mobile technology such as feature-rich smartphones and wearables and appliances embedded in today's technically enriched urban surroundings. PerPart aims to provide an extensive outlook on relevant concepts, innovations and research issues in the field of advanced technology-mediated citizen participation.
Peter Fr_hlich, Matthias Baldauf, Manfred Tscheligi, Sampo Ruoppila, Florian Alt
MCSS 2015: 4th International Workshop on Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B01
The ACM Workshop on "Mobile Systems for Computational Social Science" brings together researchers working at computer science and social sciences to explore and discuss recent advances, radical ideas, and hands-on experiences in designing and evaluating new types of mobile systems and advancing social science studies. This is the fourth edition of the workshop, continuing the success of three previous editions which brought researchers from various areas including computer science, psychology, sociology, political science, communication; the previous three workshops were co-located with ACM MobiSys'12, ACM UbiComp 2013, UbiComp 2014, respectively. This year we expect great interest not only from the researchers already actively working in this area but also from practitioners in industry and the mobile and social computing communities as a whole.
Youngki Lee and Inseok Hwang
BodySenseUX: 1st Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience in Ubiquitous Interaction
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: C04
The ubiquitous computing era is bringing to the human the possibility to interact always and everywhere with digital information.
The aim of this workshop is rediscovering the role of human body and senses, focusing on abilities that are often forgotten by the HCI designers.
The focus will go beyond the mere design of multimodal interfaces and will exploit theories of embodied cognition to design new full-body experiences in the surrounding smart environments.
Using a critical design approach, we will stimulate the combination of different senses and perceptions in order to achieve new ideas of interaction and experience the capabilities offered by the human body and senses in the ubiquitous interaction era.
We encourage the participation of young practitioners but also more experienced researchers from different backgrounds, such as design, engineering, computing, arts, social sciences, neurosciences and ergonomics.
Assunta Matassa, Luca Console, Leonardo Angelini, Maurizio Caon, Omar Abou Khaled
Wear and Tear: Constructing Wearable Technology for the Real World
Date: Monday, September 7 - Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B01
Building wearable technology for real world environments is a significant challenge in many projects. This workshop will provide a venue for researchers who develop their own devices to share their tips and tricks while networking with similarly talented creators. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the engineering details of devices, systems, and test fixtures. They will also explore a local electronics market to seek out new and interesting hardware. The hands-on creator is invited to present, attendees are encouraged to bring their devices, and anyone interested in building hardware is welcome to learn along with us.
Peter Presti, Scott Gilliland, Abdelkareem Bedri, Clint Zeagler, Thad Starner
Workshop on Design and Innovation in Wearable Technology
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: C06
This workshop will provide an interactive working session for wearable technology researchers and designers to explore the question of the role of design in the development of the field of wearable technology. Working together, workshop participants will investigate the influence of disciplinary structures and perspectives on their approaches to innovation in wearable technology, and the nature of contribution to the field. The goals of the workshop are:
1) to explore broadly the ways in which different disciplines and epistemologies contribute to the development of the field;
2) to investigate more narrowly the ways in which existing structures of discourse influence the dissemination of these contributions;
3) to explore and articulate the facets and interpretations of “design” in wearable technology in order to define the role of design scholarship in the field, and
4) to identify “grand challenges” for academic design scholarship in wearable technology.
PURBA 2015: The 4th Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: B06
PURBA-2015 is the forth in this series building upon the successful PURBA-2011, PURBA-2012, and PURBA-2013 workshops. It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss and explore the research challenges and opportunities in applying the pervasive computing paradigm to urban spaces. We are seeking multi-disciplinary contributions that reveal interesting aspects about urban life and exploit the digital traces to create novel urban applications that benefit citizens, urban planners, and policy makers. Preliminary and on-going research work are welcomed.
Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Teerayut Horanont, Sourav Bhattacharya, Yoshihide Sekimoto
Towards Wisdom Computing: Harmonious Collaboration Between People and Machines
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: C04
This workshop covers all aspects of systems creating co-experience knowledge and wisdom with human-machine collaboration using ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, networked robotics, and IoT. The research is supposed to develop human-machine "harmonious" or "balanced" collaboration coping with the ethical, legal and social issues for security, privacy, and safety. This workshop also introduces several research projects on collective visual sensing, social imaging of people relations, implicit ambient surface intelligence among human body and machines, and open platform architecture allowing bridging between sensing data and the knowledge and wisdom. The introduction is followed by panel discussion on the ethical, legal and social issues on creating co-experience knowledge and wisdom with the human-machine collaboration and the innovation challenge with the systems. We will invite key people including lawyers, socilogists, and stakeholders from America, Europe and Japan.
Norihiro Hagita, Miwako Doi, Kazuo Iwano and Hide Tokuda
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B06
The 3rd edition of the "Atelier of Smart Garments and Accessories" workshop series is dedicated to the application of wearables to foster healthy lifestyles. Wearable technology is paving the way for the future ultimate achievement of the quantified self: allowing users to have a thorough knowledge and monitoring of their own body and behavior. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the academia and the industry in order to establish a multidisciplinary community interested in sharing knowledge and ideas for the design of new services and wearable devices that can help users to change their behaviors and adopt the desired healthy lifestyle to improve their own physical and mental wellbeing.
PD-Apps 2015: The 2nd Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Creating Applications for Pervasive Public Display Networks
Date: Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B05
With significant reductions in the cost of large LCD screens, public displays are proliferating in urban spaces. It is not hard to imagine that they will soon be networked and connected over the Internet, constituting a novel and powerful communication medium - pervasive display networks - open to a wide range of applications and content. The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts from a variety of domains, i.e., UbiComp, HCI, Software Engineering, User Experience, and Public Displays to exchange ideas and discuss opportunities and challenges in design, development, and deployment of applications for pervasive display networks. As part of the workshop participants will discuss diverse requirements of application development. Overall, the goal of the workshop is to create a common understanding and set the goals and challenges for further research on the topic.
Ivan Elhart, Nemanja Memarovic, Sarah Clinch, Rui Jose, Timo Ojala
Collective Adaptation in Very Large Scale Ubicomp: Towards a Superorganism of Wearables
Date: Monday, September 7 / Location: B07
This 2nd workshop (after the UBICOMP 2014 WS in Seattle) asks questions on the potentials and opportunities of turning massively deployed wearable systems to a globe-spanning superorganism of socially interactive personal digital assistants. While individual wearables are of heterogeneous provenance and typically act autonomously, it stands to reason that they can (and will) self-organize into large scale cooperative collectives, with humans being mostly out-of-the-loop. A common objective or central controller may thereby not be assumed, but rather volatile network topologies, co-dependence and internal competition, non-linear and non-continuous dynamics, and sub-ideal, failure-prone operation. We refer to these emerging massive collectives of wearables as a "superorganism", since they exhibit properties of a living organism (like e.g. 'collective intelligence') on their own.
Collected Ideas and Impressions of the 1st Workshop at UbiComp14 can be found at https://www.pervasive.jku.at/ubicomp14/)
Alois Ferscha, Paul Lukowicz, Franco Zambonelli
Participatory Design and the Humanist Research Landscape
Date: Monday, September 7 - Tuesday, September 8 / Location: B04
TThis workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to reflect on the use of participatory design methods, especially in the context of design for wellbeing. Delegates will reflect both on the user experience of being part of such methods, and on the design team experience, in line with recent calls for reflexivity in HCI. The workshop will enable delegates to situate their practice in the broader context of humanistic psychotherapy research, and implications for research methodologies and professional development will be discussed. Delegates will experience and practice attitudes and tools (based on Interpersonal Process Recall) for reflection on team working and relational aspects of participatory design. The workshop will contribute to the development of a person-centred framework for participatory and co-design research.
Sarah Kettley, Richard Kettley, Matthew Bates