Prof. G. Tröster
E-mail |
troester@ife.ee.ethz.ch |
Phone |
+41-1-632 39 64 |
Fax |
+41-1-632 12 10 |
Office |
ETZ H89 |
Address |
ETH Zurich
Electronics Lab
Gloriastrasse 35
CH-8092 Zurich
Program Committee
- Victor Bahl, Microsoft Research, USA, (Co-Chair)
- Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington and Intel Seattle Research, USA
- Inald Lagendijk, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Tom Martin, University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA (Co-Chair)
- Chandra Narayanaswami, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
- Jacqueline Otten, University of Weimar, Germany
- Daniel P. Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Mark Smith, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
- Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia, Australia
- Roy Want, Intel Research, USA
- Andy Ward, AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
- Richard (Dick) Waters, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA
- Lyndsay Williams, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K.
Organizing Committee
- General Chair: Prof. Gerhard Tröster (ETH Zurich)
- Program Co-Chairs: Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research) and Tom Martin (UAH)
- Local Arrangements Chair: Thomas von Büren (ETH Zurich)
- Publicity Chair: Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia)
- Exhibits Chair: Marc von Waldkirch (ETH Zurich)
- Publications Chair: Dick Waters (MERL)
- Finance Chair: Ruth Zähringer (ETH Zurich)
Contact Information
Prof. G. Tröster (troester@ife.ee.ethz.ch)
+41-1-632 39 64 (voice) +41-1-632 12 10 (fax)
Tom Martin (tlmartin@ece.uah.edu)
+1 256 824 3583 (voice) +1 256 824 6803 (fax)
Victor Bahl (bahl@microsoft.com)
+1 425 936 1021 (voice) +1 425 936 7321 (fax)
Marc von Waldkirch (waldkirch@ife.ee.ethz.ch)
+41-1-632 33 91 (voice) +41-1-632 12 10 (fax)
Francine Gemperle (fg24+@andrew.cmu.edu)
+1 412 268 7221 (voice) +1 412 268 5229 (fax)