Technical Exhibition of the ISWC
October 8-9, 2001 - ETH Zurich
The exhibition will be open continuously during the conference in the main hall
of the ETH Main Building in the centre of Zurich
(see the local map). All exhibition rooms are located only a few steps from the lecture room.
The admission to the exhibition for visitors is free (registration is only required for the lectures and the tutorials of the symposium).
Exhibition Room: ETH Main Hall
Exhibitor's List:
Xybernaut Otto-Lilienthal Str. 36 71034 Böblingen |
Symbol Technologies Inc. One Symbol Plaza Holtsville, NY 11742 USA |
Tek Gear 1-90 Market Avenue Winnipeg Canada R3B 0P3 |
Foster-Miller 350, Second Ave Waltham MA 02451 USA |
MicroOptical Corp. 33 Southwest Park Westwood MA 02090 USA |
Bekintex Neerhonderd 16 9230 Wetteren, Belgium |
Samsung Institute of Advanced Technology 416, Maetan-3 Dong, Paldal-Gu Suwon City, Kyungki-Do, Korea |
ETH Zurich Wearable Computing Lab Gloriastrasse 35 8092 Zurich, Switzerland |
University of Art and Design Zurich Ausstellungsstrasse 60 CH-8031 Zuerich, Switzerland |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab 77 Massachusetts Ave E15-389 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA |
Carnegie Mellon University ICES, Hamburg Hall, CMU Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA |
University of Bremen Center for Computing Technologies Universitaetsallee 21-23 28359 Bremen, Germany |
Exhibit Chairman | Marc von Waldkirch |
E-mail | |
Phone |
+41-1-632 33 91 |
Fax |
+41-1-632 12 10 |
Office |
ETZ H64 |
Address |
ETH Zurich
Electronics Lab
Gloriastrasse 35
CH-8092 Zurich