Photo: ©2008 Ars Electronica Center


Demonstrations provide an opportunity to show research prototypes and works-in-progress to colleagues for comment in a relaxed atmosphere. Both independent demonstrations and those accompanying accepted papers and posters are welcome. Demonstrations will not be published in the main conference proceedings, but will be included in the adjunct proceedings. Accommodations (power, space, etc...) will be limited, so participants should plan to be mobile and self-supported. To apply to perform a demonstration, please submit (i) a one-page summary that describes what you plan to demonstrate, including a 200 word abstract (ii) a photo or diagram to be included in the demonstration handout alongside the abstract (minimum size 640 x 480 pixels) by Monday, July 13, 2009. Only the abstract will be included in the "Advances in Wearable Computing" book (adjunct proceedings), the rest of the summary will be used to judge the quality of the submission.

July 13, 2009Demos Submission Deadline (closed)
August 3, 2009Demos Acceptance Notification
August 10, 2009Demoos Final Versions Deadline

Please contact for more information.