Photo: ©2008 Ars Electronica Center

Advance Program

Monday September 7, 2009

On Monday Session 5 with 4 papers will take place, followed by the Gadget Show and closed with the second Keynote. In the afternoon it's time for the Business Meeting. The conference ends at 4 pm.

08:00 - 12:00Registration
09:00 - 10:45Session 5
(Systems and Applications II)
10:45 - 11:15Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:00Design Contest
(Gadget Show)
12:00 - 13:00Keynote
13:00 - 14:30Lunch
14:30 - 16:00Closing Ceremony & Business Meeting
16:00 - 18:30Ars Electronica Highlights Tour (optional)

Session 5: Systems and Applications II (09:00 - 10:45)

Development of a Lower Extremity Rehabilitation Aid utilizing an Insole-Integrated Load Sensor Matrix and a Sole-Embedded Measurement Node
Pekka Iso-Ketola (Tampere University of Technology), Tapio Karinsalo (Tampere University of Technology), Manu Myry (Tampere University of Technology), Aki Halme (Tampere University of Technology), Timo Salpavaara (Tampere University of Technology), Jukka Lekkala (Tampere University of Technology), Jukka Vanhala (Tampere University of Technology)
Signal Processing Algorithm and Health Care Application for Wearable Sense of Balance Monitoring Headphones
Soichiro Matsushita (Tokyo University of Technology)
Potentials of enhanced context awareness in wearable assistants for Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait syndrome
Marc Bächlin (ETH Zürich), Daniel Roggen (ETH Zürich), Gerhard Tröster (ETH Zürich), Meir Plotnik (TASMC, Tel Aviv), Nir Giladi (TASMC, Tel Aviv), Jeffrey Hausdorff (TASMC, Tel Aviv)
A Distributed Wearable, Wireless Sensor System for Evaluating Professional Baseball Pitchers and Batters
Michael Lapinski (MIT Media Lab), Eric Berkson (Mass General Hospital), Thomas Gill (Mass General Hospital), Mike Rheingold (Boston Red Sox), Joseph Paradiso (MIT Media Lab)

Design Contest (Gadget Show) (11:15 - 12:00)

Introduction by Co-Chairs
Christa Sommerer (Interface Cultures, University of Art and Industrial Design Linz), Sabine Seymour (Moondial)
Joe Au (Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Jin Lam (Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Raymond Au (Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Kevin Hui (Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Anti-Paparazzi Fashion
Adam Harvey (Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), NYU), Heather Knight (NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Tom Igoe (Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), NYU)
The Textile Interface Swatchbook: A Toolkit for Creating and Implementing Electronic Fabric Based Interfaces
Nicholas Komor (Georgia Institute of Technology), Scott Gilliland (Georgia Institute of Technology), Clint Zeagler (Georgia Institute of Technology), Thad Starner (Georgia Institute of Technology)
e-Motion. An interdisciplinary project at the Institute of Fashion and Textile Design (IBT), Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
Jana Patz (UdK Berlin), Hanna Wiesener (UdK Berlin)

Keynote (12:00 - 13:00)

"Wearable Computing: when aspiration meets reality ..."

D.K. Arvind (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh)

Abstract: Research in Wearable Computing has made good progress in recent years. There is, however, still a deficit between the aspiration for unobtrusive, extended-wear, on-body network of wireless sensors, which is context-aware and which operates in a “smart” environment, and the realities of sensor device miniaturisation and battery lifetimes.

We will explore the potential of using wireless sensor networks in Wearable Computing, which is tempered by our experiences of research in Speckled Computing ( The talk will be illustrated with videos of examples of applications of Speckled Computing in 3-D animation, healthcare, human-robot interface, and sports.

Brief Bio of the Presenter:
DK Arvind is a Reader in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, and CITRIS Visiting Professor at the University of California at Berkeley (2007-11). He was previously for four years a Research Scientist in the School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. He is the founder Director and Principal Investigator of the Research Consortium in Speckled Computing ( – a multidisciplinary grouping of computer scientists, electronic engineers, electrochemists and physicists drawn from five universities, to research the next generation of miniature wireless sensor networks. The Consortium has attracted research funding in the excess of £5.2 Million since 2004 from the Scottish Funding Council, and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (equivalent of the National Science Foundation in the US). In the past his research has been funded by EPSRC, US Office of Naval Research, Scottish Enterprise/Cadence Design Systems, Sharp, Hitachi, Panasonic/Mastushita, Agilent, ARM and SUN Microsystems. His research interests include the design, analysis and integration of miniature networked embedded systems which combine sensing, processing and wireless networking capabilities.