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Clothes offer the chance to unobtrusively integrate new functionalities, but it is essential to take into account that they are fundamentally different from electronic wearable devices such as watches and glasses. Including wearable sensing, actuation, and communication technologies directly into garments offers great opportunities, but is technically still a great challenge. The workshop will focus on challenges that need to be tackled when developing smart garments. These challenges include applications and use cases for smart garments, textile sensors and actuators, algorithms for signal and pattern analysis, and frameworks for smart garments.
Stefan Schneegass, Jingyuan Cheng, Kristof Van Laerhoven, Oliver Amft
Mobile devices are opening unprecedented opportunities to conduct various social science studies in unobtrusive, large-scale, and longitudinal, and even real-time fashions. In the meantime, however, we are facing multi-lateral challenges to truly take advantage of such opportunities, which covers (but are not limited to) the underlying mobile systems issues, real-time data processing, analytics of deep and big data, system designs and deployment for specific applications in social science study, etc. The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers working or interested in mobile systems for social analysis and applications. We wish to build a lively forum to share and discuss recent advances, radical ideas and, hands-on experiences in creating and evaluating this new class of mobile applications and systems. As diversity of research perspectives and collaborations among them will be essential to nourish this workshop to be vibrant and innovative, we will welcome especially highly innovative and/or controversial contributions, debunking or confirming existing methodologies, experimental system designs, and inspirational hands-on experience with specific social context, populations, or applications.
Junehwa Song
This workshop asks the questions on the potentials and opportunities of turning massively deployed wearable systems to a globe spanning superorganism of socially interactive personal digital assistants. While the individual wearables are of heterogeneous provenance and typically act autonomously, it stands to reason that they can (and will) self-organize into large scale cooperative collectives, with humans being mostly out-of-the-loop. A common objective or central controller may thereby not be assumed, but rather volatile network topologies, co-dependence and internal competition, non-linear and non-continuous dynamics, and sub-ideal, failure prone operation. We refer to these emerging massive collectives of wearables as a "superorganism", since they exhibit properties of a living organism (like e.g. 'collective intelligence') on their own.
Alois Ferscha, Paul Lukowicz, Franco Zambonelli
HomeSys 2014 will provide an inspiring and constructive venue for researchers whose work focuses on technology in domestic settings. The workshop will combine presentations with panel and small group discussions, in order to reflect upon, and further develop, the agenda of research around home-based technologies. Building on four previous successful workshops, HomeSys 2014 invites researchers across disciplines, and from industry or academia, to discuss areas including new technical advancements, forms of data capture or analysis, novel designs and design methods, user-centred studies and ethnographies. The scope and complexity of technology in our homes is growing rapidly, and evolving in unexpected ways. We welcome work that highlights the diversity in the characteristics of homes, and submissions connected to societal issues such as food, energy, or waste in the home. Our themes for 2014 are Building, Bodies and Boundaries.
Tim Coughlan & Richard Mortier, Val Mitchell, Rob Comber & Thomas Ploetz
Ubiquitous computing systems raise unprecedented challenges to how we currently elicit, secure and sustain user consent. Consent is the interactional process by which a user agrees to the terms of engagement with a system, and it represents the principle mechanism by which we protect our privacy online. The existing practices of consent are deeply challenged by innovations in technology and ICT generally, and by ubiquitous technologies in particular. These practices, for interacting with users to gain consent, are rooted in a particular historical context and are no longer viable. Subsequently, there is a need to move beyond the current flawed models of consent to more embedded approaches that responsibly balance legislative, social and design imperatives within any future developments. The aim of this workshop is to bring together a solution-oriented community with a specific focus on consent issues within Ubicomp. The workshop website can be found here:
Ewa Luger, Tom Rodden, Marine Jirotka & Lilian Edwards
Wearable computing represented an important paradigm shift in engineering and computer science. At the present time, wearable computing is undergoing a new paradigm shift: the wearable systems that used to be transportable devices are actually weaving itself into ‘the fabric of everyday life’ (as predicted by Weiser). Indeed, the current trend of wearable computing is integrating the technology directly in the garments without introducing new body-worn systems. Clothes, shoes, eye-glasses, bracelets and watches are becoming smarter, seamlessly embedding more and more powerful computational resources and communication possibilities. The change has already begun and this workshop aims to bring together researchers from the academia and the industry in order to establish a multidisciplinary community interested in discovering and exploring the challenges and opportunities coming from this natural evolution of wearable computing.
Maurizio Caon, Paolo Perego, Giuseppe Andreoni & Elena Mugellini
The UPSIDE workshop is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to discuss research challenges and experiences around the usable privacy and security of wearable devices and other consumer sensors and domestic devices (e.g., home automation systems; smart appliances in the home; smart meters; domestic healthcare devices). The workshop will be held in conjunction with the UbiComp 2014 conference in Seattle, WA, USA.
Jaeyeon Jung & Tadayoshi Kohno
Cooking is one of the most fundamental activities of humankind. It is not only connected with the joy of eating but also deeply affects various aspects of human life such as health, culinary art, entertainment, and human communication. CEA has been aiming to provide an opportunity for such research groups to discover each other, introduce their trials, and discuss their status and where they should go. In addition, in this workshop, we also invite the organizers of the past Cooking with Computers (CwC) workshop to organize a special demo session within the proposed CEA workshop named as the “CwC Showcase”.
Kiyoharu Aizawa, Yoko Yamakata, Takuya Funatomi, Amelie Cordier, Emmanuel Nauer, Yoshihiro Kawahara , Shinsuke Nakajima, Mutsuo Sano & Ichiro Ide
This third workshop on Wearable Systems for Industrial Augmented Reality Applications will cover the following topics: core technologies, such as hardware, AR development kits or AR-enabled software; software architectures and applications concepts; as well as business ideas and case studies of AR systems within the industrial context. We seek discussion and contributions from industry as well as from research institutions. The workshop will continue the development of a research agenda from the previous workshops, which e.g. covered comparisons of consumer-grade systems with systems designed for users in industrial environments or studies on the use of consumer-grade systems in professional applications.
Holger Kenn & Christian Buergy
To understand human activities using various sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes in recent smartphones/wearable devices, a large scale human activity sensing corpus might play an important role. Also, it is a great challenge to utilize such enormous number of wearable sensors to collect large-scale activity corpus. In this workshop, we will share the experiences of current researches on human activity corpus and its applications among the researchers and the practitioners and to have a deep discussion for the future of human activity understanding.
Nobuo Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Nishio, Daniel Roggen, Sozo Inoue & Susanna Pirttikangas
Context prediction breaks the border from reaction on past and present stimuli to proactive anticipation of actions. Research directions spread from applications for context prediction over event prediction, architectures for context prediction, data formats, and algorithms. Recent work focuses on three main challenges: (1) Prediction beyond location, (2) Benchmarks and common data sets, and (3) Common development frameworks. While there have been contributions targeting some of these challenges, we still see them as unsolved. Thus we invite unique contribution addressing these challenges and provide a forum to facilitate collaboration among research groups focusing on context prediction.
Klaus David, Rico Kusber, Sian Lun Lau, Stephan Sigg & Brian Ziebart
Though never a desirable outcome, failure is an inevitable part of research. Too often, however, the tried but failed paths are lost in the translation of work to publication. The goal of this workshop is to uncover, analyze, discuss, and learn from the failures of Personal Informatics research. We want to provide an explicit forum to share stories of failure, perhaps even entire lines of research that did not succeed, in order to synthesize lessons learned and help progress the PI research community forward.
Jon E. Froehlich, Jakob Eg Larsen, Matthew Kay & Edison Thomaz
PETMEI 2014 focusses on pervasive eye tracking as a trailblazer for mobile eye-based interaction and eye-based context-awareness.
We follow the vision of unobtrusive eye-based human-computer interfaces that will become pervasively usable in everyday life. With the recent availability of smart glass devices and low-cost eye trackers, gaze-based techniques for mobile computing are becoming increasingly important.
PETMEI provides a forum for researchers from human-computer interaction, context-aware computing, egocentric computer vision, eye tracking and more to discuss techniques and applications that go beyond classical eye tracking and stationary eye-based interaction.
Thies Pfeiffer, Sophie Stellmach & Yusuke Sugano
The ACM UbiComp Workshop on Smart Health Systems and Applications is a forum for researchers and developers in academia and industry to present results and discuss ways to advance the field of smart health. This workshop will focus on wireless, connected, and mobile health research as a multidisciplinary area spanning computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, nursing, medicine, and public health. The workshop will include presentations of theoretical and experimental research, prototyping efforts, field studies and technological advances related to smart health. In addition to traditional topics, SmartHeathSys features a special focus on scalability challenges of smart health technologies. This topic area aims to discuss and present recent innovations that target challenges associated with large-scale adoption of these technologies in uncontrolled environments and end-user settings.
Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Diane Cook, Misha Pavel, Parisa Rashidi, Roozbeh Jafari, Marjorie Skubic, Michael Ong & George Demiris
The human memory is an incredibly vast storage space capable of holding a lifetime worth of information. As people go about their lives memories accumulate and form our base of knowledge, our character and our identity. This workshop will bring together researchers, designers and practitioners at the intersection of technology and cognitive psychology to discuss elements and viewpoints of forms of e-memory and new forms of memory aids and augmentation. The goal is to combine technological innovations in ubiquitous computing with basic research questions in memory psychology, thereby elevating memory augmentation technologies from a clinical niche application to a mainstream technology and initiating a major change in the way we use technology to remember and to externalize memory.
Tilman Dingler, Kai Kunze, Nigel Davies, Albrecht Schmidt, Marc Langheinrich & Niels Henze
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