ISWC Program Committee CHAIRS


Katia Vega

Katia Vega
UC Davis, USA

Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao

Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao
Cornell University, USA

Daniel Roggen
University of Sussex, UK

ISWC Program Committee

Cheng, Jingyuan, USTC, China
Ward, Jamie, Goldshish, UK
Starner, Thad, Georgia Tech and Google, USA
Schneegass, Stefan, U. of Duisburg, Germany
Buechley, Leah, New Mexico, USA
Zeagler, Clint, Georgia Tech, USA
Cakmakci, Ozan, Google, USA
Chan, Liwei , NCTU Taiwan
Eskofier, Bjoern , FAU, Germany
Lago, Paula, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Nachtigall, Troy, HVA, Netherlands
Guan, Yu, Newcastle, UK
Healey, Jennifer , Adobe, USA
Holschuh, Brad  University of Minnesota, USA
Kawsar, Fahim, Bell Labs, UK
Van Laerhoven, Kristof , Uni Siegen, Germany
Beigl, Michael, KIT, Germany
Heffernan, Kayla   University of Melbourne, Australia
Scholl, Philipp, U. Freiburg, Germany
Wang, Lin, Queen Mary, UK
Thomaz, Edison, U. Texas, USA
Ploetz, Thomas, Georgia Tech, USA
Dunne, Lucy E.  University of Minnesota, USA
Smailagic, Asim  CMU, USA
Kunze, Kai  Keio University, Japan
Leigh, Sang-won    Georgia Tech, USA
Lyons, Kent    Toyota Research Institute (TRI), USA
Lopes, Pedro    U Chicago , USA
Amft, Oliver  FAU, Germany
Alistar, Mirela  U. Colorado, USA
Tag, Benjamin  U. Melbourne, Australia
Zhou, Bo  DFKI, Germany
Lukowicz, Paul  DFKI, Germany
Peiris, Roshan  Rochester, UK
Terada, Tsutomu  U. Kobe, Japan
Martin, Tom Virgina Tech, USA