These 2 tutorials will be held as part of the UbiComp / ISWC 2021 virtual conference:

Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition


Marius Bock (University of Siegen, Germany),
Alexander Hölzemann (University of Siegen, Germany),
Michael Moeller (University of Siegen, Germany),
Kristof Van Laerhoven (University of Siegen, Germany)


Physical activities play a crucial role in the way we structure our lives. Which activity, and how it is performed, can reveal a person’s intention, habit, fitness, and state of mind; it is therefore not surprising that a range of research fields, from cognitive science to healthcare, display a growing interest in the machine recognition of human activities. In 2014, Bulling et al. designed and organized an exceptionally well-received tutorial on human activity recognition from wearable sensor data. They introduced concepts such as the Activity Recognition Chain (ARC), a framework for designing and evaluating activity recognition systems, as well as a case study demonstrating how to work with this ARC. Within the last decade, deep learning methods have shown to outperform classical Machine Learning algorithms. We argue that releasing an updated tutorial that is adapted to work with deep learning techniques is long overdue.

This tutorial introduces the Deep Learning Activity Recognition Chain (DL-ARC), which encompasses the advances that have been made over the years within the field of deep learning for human activity recognition and deep learning. Our work directly ties into the works of Bulling et al. and functions as a step-by-step framework to apply deep learning to any activity recognition use case. Within this tutorial, we will show how state-of-the-art models can be achieved, while along the way explaining all design choices in detail.

This tutorial functions as a guide in the typical processes to design and evaluate deep learning architectures, once a human activity dataset has been recorded and annotated. We show through code snippets in a step-by-step process why certain steps are needed, how they affect the system’s outcome, and which pitfalls present themselves when designing a deep learning classifier. Participants do not need prior knowledge in human activity recognition or deep learning techniques, but should be familiar with programming in Python.

09:30-11:00 Introduction and theoretical background
11:00-15:00 The DL-ARC pipeline
15:00-17:30 Improving the predictive performance

Schedule across time zones:

Session 1 26th Sept 06:30-11:00 26th Sept 09:30-14:00 26th Sept 15:30-20:00 26th Sept 22:30-03:00
Session 2 26th Sept 11:00-14:30 26th Sept 14:00-17:30 26th Sept 20:00-23:30 27th Sept 03:00-06:30
Wearable Technology Design and Accessibility Considerations Tutorial
Whenever designers start out to create a piece of wearable technology there are some standard human factor considerations that we all have to think through. These might include where on the body it is the easiest to sense certain biosignals or types of movement, or they could include factors surrounding the social acceptability of interacting with on-body interfaces. It might be important to understand the human body’s ability to feel and recognize vibration and on-body location. In any case academic literature on these human factors topics is broad and dispersed through the many different disciplines associated with wearable technology. Although there have been attempts to collect this information in survey papers on the subject of designing wearable technology, new information comes out quickly and compiling all the information necessary is difficult in the format of an academic conference article. These survey articles directed at the computing science (or other specific) community might also not have impact with the design community at large.
What is also important to consider at the beginning of a wearable technology project is how the decisions made about the interface and on-body location effect accessibility. Poor decisions made in the beginning of a project can greatly effect accessibility and the ability of a large part of the population to use a wearable device. These decisions about interfaces and displays can be very hard to overcome at the end of a project and often can lead to additional costs and applique style add on accessibility solutions that do not seem cohesive with the original design.

wearables can sense human bodies

We would like to invite you to participate in the ISWC / UBICOMP (Sept 21 – 26, 2021 Virtual) Wearable Technology Design and Accessibility Tutorial. In this workshop we will explore how to develop a robust set of design and accessibility considerations (guidelines) for wearable technology. We will try out a new Wearable Technology Designer’s Web Tool (WTDWT) http://wearabletechwebtool.ipat.gatech.edu and discuss what features or information it might be missing. At the core of our workshop is an effort to understand how to train designers and developers of wearable technology to think about all users and accessibility.
There is no required submission to participate in this workshop, however we ask that you come to the workshop with a basic wearable technology idea or product you would like to create. We will form groups and work through the early stages of the design process for some of these ideas using the WTDWT.
Participants will receive a .pdf document of information tailored to their projects. Participants will be able to use the WTDWT for future projects and allow their students to use the tool as well. We hope through discussion to collect new information and considerations that might make the tool more useful.
Schedule across time zones:
Session 1 25th Sept 06:30-11:00 25th Sept 09:30-14:00 25th Sept 15:30-20:00 25th Sept 22:30-03:00


Virtual Conference:
September 21-26, 2021

September 25-26, 2021


These 9 workshops will be held as part of the UbiComp / ISWC 2020 virtual conference:

Saturday’s Workshops

W1 HASCA 2020

8th International Workshop on Human Activity Sensing Corpus and Applications


Challenges and Opportunities in Fitness Tracking


5th International Workshop on Smart & Ambient Notification and Attention Management


5th International Workshop on Mental Health And Well-Being: Sensing And Intervention

Sunday’s Workshops


3rd International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Smartphone Apps

W8 UPA 2020

5th International Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Assistance

W9 CPD 2020

3rd Workshop on Combining Physical and Data-driven Knowledge in Ubiquitous Computing

W11 CML-IOT 2020

2nd Workshop on Continual and multimodal learning for Internet of Things


3rd International Workshop on Computing for Well-Being

How To Submit

Workshop papers for the accepted workshops should be submitted electronically through https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions.

  • Please select “SIGCHI” as Society, “UbiComp / ISWC 2020” as Conference / Journal and “Ubicomp 2020 / ISWC Workshop: xyz” as the track in the submission page (with “xyz” being the name of the selected workshop).

  • In the submission page, please enter the title, authors, and abstract of the paper, and upload your workshop paper, and any supplemental files as required by the specific workshop.

  • Each workshop paper (independently of the selected workshop) will have to use the same ACM template detailed in the template information page.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact workshops-2020@iswc.hosting2.acm.org, or the organizers of the specific workshop (see below).

Publication Date

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the UbiComp / ISWC 2020 conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

Saturday September 12, 2020

HASCA 2020: 8th International Workshop On Human Activity Sensing Corpus And Applications



Kazuya Murao (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Yu Enokibori (Nagoya University, Japan), Hristijan Gjoreski (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia), Paula Lago (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Tsuyoshi Okita (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Pekka Siirtola (University of Oulu, Finland), Kei Hiroi (Nagoya University, Japan), Philipp M. Scholl (University of Freiburg, Germany), Mathias Ciliberto (University of Sussex, UK)


The recognition of complex and subtle human behaviors from wearable sensors will enable next-generation human-oriented computing in scenarios of high societal value (e.g., dementia care). This will require large-scale human activity corpuses and much improved methods to recognize activities and the context in which they occur.

This workshop deals with the challenges of designing reproducible experimental setups, running large-scale dataset collection campaigns, designing activity and context recognition methods that are robust and adaptive, and evaluating systems in the real world. We wish to reflect on future methods, such as lifelong learning approaches that allow open-ended activity recognition.

The objective of this workshop is to share the experiences among current researchers around the challenges of real-world activity recognition, the role of datasets and tools, and breakthrough approaches towards open-ended contextual intelligence. This year HASCA will also welcome papers from participants to the Third Sussex-Huawei Locomotion and Transportation Recognition Competition (http://www.shl-dataset.org/activity-recognition-challenge-2020/) as part of a special session.

Beyond Steps: Challenges And Opportunities In Fitness Tracking



Rushil Khurana (CMU, USA), Abdelkareem Bedri (CMU, USA), Patrick Carrington (CMU, USA), Daniel A. Epstein (UC Irvine, USA), Rúben Gouveia (University of Twente, The Netherlands), Jochen Meyer (OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Germany), Julian Ramos (CMU, USA), Jason Wiese (University of Utah, USA), Paweł Woźniak (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)


The quantified-self is a positive and prevalent aspect of our culture that has progressed during the last decade propelled by technological advances in health and fitness tracking. Prior research has shown that self tracking has a myriad of benefits. And we have the ability to sense and track various aspects of fitness and well-being. However one key challenge that remains is what data needs to be shown to the user, and how to present it to the user. Moreover, when is the right time to deliver key information to the user. Secondly, we have noticed that self-monitoring and tracking research has mostly evolved in isolation i.e., researchers have separately studied or built systems for various aspects of fitness like exercise tracking, diet or sleep monitoring. While in reality many of these areas are intertwined and depend on each other: Poor sleep can lead to overeating and consequently weight gain.

In this workshop, we propose to highlight and address these two challenges and explore opportunities to expand beyond the current paradigm of single health factors tracking to a more comprehensive fitness tracking.

UbiTtention 2020: 5th International Workshop On Smart & Ambient Notification And Attention Management



Anja Exler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany), Alexandra Voit (Adesso AG, Germany), Martin Gjoreski (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), Tine Kolenik (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia), Niels van Berkel (Aalborg University, Denmark), Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan), Veljko Pejovic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)


In the advancing ubiquitous computing, users are increasingly confronted with a tremendous amount of information proactively provided via notifications from versatile applications and services, through multiple devices and screens in their environment. Thus, human’s attention has been getting a new significant bottleneck. Further, the latest computing trends with emerging new devices including versatile IoT devices, and contexts, such as smart cities, attention representation, sensing, prediction, analysis and adaptive behavior in the computer systems, are needed in our computing systems.

Following the successful UbiTtention 2016 to 2019 workshops, the UbiTtention 2020 workshop brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to explore the management of human attention and smart and ambient notifications with versatile devices and situations to overcome information overload and overchoice. In this workshop, we want to focus on a larger understanding of the different roles notifications can play in a wide variety of computing environments including the office, the home, in cars, and other smart environments. In addition, we introduce an open-data machine learning challenge to advance the field of cognitive load inference in ubiquitous computing. The dataset is the first labelled dataset for cognitive load monitoring with a wristband and it will be fully released after the challenge.

5th International Workshop On Mental Health And Well-Being: Sensing And Intervention



Varun Mishra (Dartmouth College, USA), Akane Sano (Rice University, USA), Saeed Abdullah (Penn State, USA), Jakob E. Bardram (TU Denmark, Denmark), Sandra Servia (University of Cambridge, UK), Elizabeth L. Murnane (Stanford University, USA), Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell University, USA), Mirco Musolesi (UC London, UK), Giovanna Nunes Vilaza (DTU, Denmark), Rajalakshmi Nandakumar (Cornell Tech, USA), Tauhidur Rahman (UMass Amherst, USA)


Mental health issues affect a significant portion of the world’s population and can result in debilitating and life-threatening outcomes. To address this increasingly pressing healthcare challenge, there is a need to research novel approaches for early detection and prevention. Toward this, ubiquitous systems can play a central role in revealing and tracking clinically relevant behaviors, contexts, and symptoms. Further, such systems can passively detect relapse onset and enable the opportune delivery of effective intervention strategies.

However, despite their clear potential, the uptake of ubiquitous technologies into clinical mental healthcare is rare, and a number of challenges still face the overall efficacy of such technology-based solutions. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in identifying, articulating, and addressing such issues and opportunities. Following the success this workshop in the last four years, we aim to continue facilitating the UbiComp community in developing novel approaches for sensing and intervention in the context of mental health.

Sunday September 13, 2020

AppLens 2020: 3rd International Workshop On Mining And Learning From Smartphone Apps



Sha Zhao (Zhejiang University, China), Yong Li (Tsinghua University, China), Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki, Finland), Zhiwen Yu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China), Anind Dey (University of Washington, USA), and Gang Pan (Zhejiang University, China)


Smartphone apps are becoming ubiquitous in our everyday life. Apps on smartphones sense users’ behaviors and activities, providing a lens for understanding users, which is an important point in the community of ubiquitous computing.

The 3rd International workshop AppLens 2020 at UbiComp/iSWC 2020 will fosters discussions covering methodologies and tools, theories and models, design, descriptions or analysis of smartphone app data. We seek participants interested in profiling users from their use of smartphone apps, discovering cultural and social phenomenon by analyzing app usage, modeling app usage behaviors, studying smartphone apps, user privacy issues, etc.

In order to attract more participants, we will open two app datasets consisting of app usage records. This workshop will include paper sessions, invited talks, a panel session, and Best Paper Award, to provide a forum for the participants to communicate and discuss issues to promote the emerging research field. Moreover, we will select a few accepted papers to be extended and published in a prestigious journal special issue.

AppLens 2020: 3rd International Workshop On Mining And Learning From Smartphone Apps



Sha Zhao (Zhejiang University, China), Yong Li (Tsinghua University, China), Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki, Finland), Zhiwen Yu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China), Anind Dey (University of Washington, USA), and Gang Pan (Zhejiang University, China)


Smartphone apps are becoming ubiquitous in our everyday life. Apps on smartphones sense users’ behaviors and activities, providing a lens for understanding users, which is an important point in the community of ubiquitous computing.

The 3rd International workshop AppLens 2020 at UbiComp/iSWC 2020 will fosters discussions covering methodologies and tools, theories and models, design, descriptions or analysis of smartphone app data. We seek participants interested in profiling users from their use of smartphone apps, discovering cultural and social phenomenon by analyzing app usage, modeling app usage behaviors, studying smartphone apps, user privacy issues, etc.

In order to attract more participants, we will open two app datasets consisting of app usage records. This workshop will include paper sessions, invited talks, a panel session, and Best Paper Award, to provide a forum for the participants to communicate and discuss issues to promote the emerging research field. Moreover, we will select a few accepted papers to be extended and published in a prestigious journal special issue.

AppLens 2020: 3rd International Workshop On Mining And Learning From Smartphone Apps



Sha Zhao (Zhejiang University, China), Yong Li (Tsinghua University, China), Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki, Finland), Zhiwen Yu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China), Anind Dey (University of Washington, USA), and Gang Pan (Zhejiang University, China)


Smartphone apps are becoming ubiquitous in our everyday life. Apps on smartphones sense users’ behaviors and activities, providing a lens for understanding users, which is an important point in the community of ubiquitous computing.

The 3rd International workshop AppLens 2020 at UbiComp/iSWC 2020 will fosters discussions covering methodologies and tools, theories and models, design, descriptions or analysis of smartphone app data. We seek participants interested in profiling users from their use of smartphone apps, discovering cultural and social phenomenon by analyzing app usage, modeling app usage behaviors, studying smartphone apps, user privacy issues, etc.

In order to attract more participants, we will open two app datasets consisting of app usage records. This workshop will include paper sessions, invited talks, a panel session, and Best Paper Award, to provide a forum for the participants to communicate and discuss issues to promote the emerging research field. Moreover, we will select a few accepted papers to be extended and published in a prestigious journal special issue.

CML-IOT 2020: 2nd Workshop On Continual And Multimodal Learning For Internet Of Things



Susu Xu (Qualcomm AI Research, USA), Tong Yu (Samsung Research America, USA), Shijia Pan (UC Merced, USA)


With the deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT), a large number of sensors are connected to the Internet, providing large-amount, streaming, and multimodal data. These data have distinct statistical characteristics over time and sensing modalities, which are hardly captured by traditional learning methods. Continual and multimodal learning allows integration, adaptation, and generalization of the knowledge learned from experiential data collected from distributed and heterogeneous IoT devices to new situations. Therefore, continual and multimodal learning is an important step to enable efficient ubiquitous computing on IoT devices.

We aim at bringing together researchers from different areas to establish a multidisciplinary community and share the latest research in continual learning and multimodal learning for various IoT applications.

WellComp 2020: 3rd International Workshop On Computing For Well-Being



Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan), Jin Nakazawa (Keio University, Japan), JeongGil Ko (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Fahim Kawsar (Nokia Bell Labs, UK), Susanna Pirttikangas (University of Oulu, Finland)


We have been experiencing that much of the influence from ubicomp technologies are both contributing to a better quality of life (QoL) of our individual and organizational lives, and causing new types of stress and pain at the same time. The term “well-being” has recently gained attention as a term that covers our general happiness and even more concrete good conditions in our lives, such as physical, psychological, and social wellness. Active research in various ubicomp research areas (systems, mobile/wearable sensing, persuasive apps, different viewpoints and layers of computing.

After two consecutive successful workshops in 2019 and 2020, WellComp2020 will share the latest research in such various areas related to users’ physical, mental, and social well-being. Especially this year’s special attention will be paid for “Well-Being Metrics” and “Well-Being Intervention towards behavior change”.


Submission deadline:
July 06, 2020 at 11:59 PM HAST

Notification date:
July 24, 2020

Camera-ready deadline:
July 31, 2020

Virtual Conference:
September 12-16, 2020